Can I Donate Half My Liver


Can I Donate Half My Liver. If someone wants to volunteer. In my case, i desperately wanted to donate without reservation, but the doctors instructed me i first had to lose 10 to 15 pounds to cleanse fat from my liver and get the medical clearance needed.

My family was going through a very tough time and the. You have two main branches which allows you to donate half of your liver to someone else while maintaining one of the two branches for yourself. If someone wants to volunteer.


If Someone Wants To Volunteer.

No, you can only donate your liver once, mostly limited by the fact that not just any part of the liver can be sliced off and be able to fully regrow. Living donation is possible because the liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself. In adults, one of the following lobes are required for liver donation:


The Surgeons Were Reluctant To Consider Him.

When you donate a part of your liver, the part remaining in your body grows back in six to eight weeks. At this point you have nothing left to donate while still leaving yourself with functional liver as you would only have one set of. I see no reason why you cannot donate.


There Are Several Phases In The Donation Process, Including Evaluation, Surgery And Is Important For Donors To Be Aware Of The Risks Associated With Liver Donation And All That The Donation Process Entails.

No, you can only donate your liver once, mostly limited by the fact that not just any part of the liver can be sliced off and be able to fully regrow. People considering sharing their liver with an ailing relative or friend can worry a bit less, say doctors who found that living donor liver transplantation is relatively safe. In the first few days after operation even when regeneration is not complete, the half liver is enough to maintain normal donor functions due to the immense reserve in the liver.


If You Are Fit And Well, It May Be Considered Possible To Remove Part (A Lobe) Of Your Liver For Transplantation To Someone Else.

Also, the part transplanted will grow in the recipient. 30 to 40% of the whole liver. In fact, you can donate to family and even friends as long as you have a close emotional connection with your recipient.


Can A Family Member Donate Half A Liver?

If a donor’s body is much smaller than the recipient. That can mean an individual receives lifesaving intervention before. What half of your body is the liver on?