Care2.Com Click To Donate


Care2.Com Click To Donate. Learn more when you click, our sponsors support food for hungry people and animals, health care, education and other important causes. When you click a button on their homepage the website will display a series of banners or buttons from their advertisers.

When you click, our sponsors fund books and supplies for children. Learn more when you click, our sponsors support food for hungry people and animals, health care, education and other important causes. Care2 guarantees a minimum donation of us$5,000 to oxfam america for the project.


This Program “Supports Community Organizations That Provide Dental Care To People Who Would Otherwise Go Without.”

Your clicks have raised the value of 5,367,167 books for kids in need. 100% of the money you donate will go to the nonprofit. Click the racial justice page created by the ceo of care2.


Bigots, Racists, Bullies, Science Deniers, Misogynists, Gun Lobbyists, Xenophobes, The Willfully Ignorant, Animal Abusers, Frackers, And Other Mean People.

Welcome to care2, the world’s largest community for good. There are various petitions you can click on and this online action will help support the communities and people who need their voices heard. With the help of, has so far had the following impact:


Together We Care For People, Pets & Planet.

Choose from the list of available community fundraisers. From the left menu, select monetization, then giving. Learn more when you click, our sponsors support food for hungry people and animals, health care, education and other important causes.


Care2 Is A Social Networking Website That Was Founded By Randy Paynter In 1998.

Free click to donate for animals at Add videos or scheduled live streams that will feature the donate button. When you click a button on their homepage the website will display a series of banners or buttons from their advertisers.


Where Do Youtube Donations Go?

This is such an easy way to help animals! Together we care for people, pets & planet. You can click once a day for free, and every click generates donations for the humane society.