Donate Blood After Smoking Weed


Donate Blood After Smoking Weed. Unless the room is a total smoke screen the marijuana wont even register on a urine or blood test. The only way it sill get into your system is if you have direct contact.

One must avoid smoking for at least 1 hour after donating blood. So weed smokers can give blood without any worries (just lay off it before going in.) this sounds pretty reasonable to me. Cannabis usage does not disqualify you as a donor.


One Week Will Be More Than Enough.

Since marijuana can be detected in your blood several days after consumption, some people believe that users can’t donate blood. Blood donation after smoking can be a risk for the one who will be taking the blood. Cannabis users can still participate in blood drives as long as other factors do not disqualify them.


A Piercing Or Tattoo Within The Last Year.

If you're a regular cannabis user, you may have wondered whether marijuana consumers can donate blood. It would be very illegal for us to look to see if thee is a bit of cannabis left in your blood.we appreciate the donation. Smoking cigarettes in and of itself doesn’t disqualify you from donating blood.


However, You Should Disclose Your Marijuana Use To The Doctor Or Nurse At The Blood Center.

It is commendable that you want to donate blood and do your civic duty. Last time i went to donate i asked them straight up. Can i donate after receiving a tattoo?


Its Only Recommendation Is That You Don’t Show Up To The Blood Donation Center If Weed Is Impairing Your Memory Or Concentration.

Im sure if you wait a half hour or so you would be ok. For the sake of your own health, you should not use weed. This means no smoking weed immediately beforehand!


The Only Way It Sill Get Into Your System Is If You Have Direct Contact.

There are two questions here, really: Smoking raises your heart rate, so you can risk heartattack from your already sped up heart. We reached out to local blood banks and the american red cross for clarification.