Donate Fruit From Trees


Donate Fruit From Trees. Locate a donation site near you >> note: One fruit tree can yield up to 800 pounds!

If you have less fruit than that, you can pick it yourself to donate! For this amount, we can usually plant between approximately 10 seedlings, generally conifers. There are two options for donating your extra fruit:


If Variety Is The Spice Of Life, Then These Fruit Trees Are No Exception.

Our only requirement is that there should be enough fruit for 1 or more volunteers to harvest for at least 1.5 hours. Thanks to generous support from the chawkers foundation, we will be giving away 20 free fruit trees to those interested in caring for a tree, and eventually sharing the bounty with the wider community. If you currently rent the home where the fruit tree is located, we require written permission from the homeowner to enter/harvest.


Please Help Us Plant The Seeds For Growth!

Give fruit trees like these and you’ll feed children, provide income, and help yield seedlings so more families can grow their own fruit. If you have less fruit than that, you can pick it yourself to donate! Portland fruit tree project 5431 ne 20th ave portland, or 97211.


Use This Link To Get Started!

For $45, we can supply poor families with 30 seedlings that will grow tall and help yield eternal hope in the name of jesus christ. Would you like to make a gift through a stock donation? Become a fruit donor today.


One Fruit Tree Can Yield Up To 800 Pounds!

Over a thousand generous homeowners—people just like you—have given back to their community by donating surplus fruits from their backyard to our organization. Since 2011 the working centre has been growing an array of fruit trees at our hacienda sarria market garden. Village harvest organizes volunteer teams to provide harvesting assistance for tree owners who are physically unable to harvest their own trees because of age or disability.


The Contributed Funds Are Used Exclusively For Acquiring Seedlings And To Cover The Cost Of Planting Trees.

The mission of the fruit tree planting foundation is to benefit the environment, human health, and animal welfare by strategically donating and planting fruit and nut tree orchards where they will best serve communities for generations and to encourage the planting of 18 billion edible fruit trees worldwide. See below for more info. For this amount, we can usually plant between approximately 10 seedlings, generally conifers.