Donate Used Bibles Free


Donate Used Bibles Free. The recipient must be very poor, imprisoned or sick, and bibles can be sent only to people in the united states. Provide a brand new bible with the g300 discipleship program & plan of salvation in it.

Free pickup of large furniture for items that won’t fit in your vehicle is available in abbotsford. [email protected] call to arrange deliveries. Provide a brand new bible with the g300 discipleship program & plan of salvation in it.


Your Donation Is Tax Deductible.

At the gideons’ website you can get information to contact a local gideon who can help you with obtaining bibles. Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. The recipient must be very poor, imprisoned or sick, and bibles can be sent only to people in the united states.


Please Click On How To Donate.

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on. No bibles with ripped, torn, loose, or missing pages, please. If you’re in need of a bible for use in your daily life, word fm is here to help.


We Provide The Pictures And You Tell The Story, With The Bible As Your Reference Source.

I've saved you all sorts of time and done the research for you. Provide a brand new bible with the g300 discipleship program & plan of salvation in it. If you can afford to buy, check out this great selection of large print bibles.


Feel Free To Send Us Bibles In Any Condition.

The organization was founded in 2000. Free pickup of large furniture for items that won’t fit in your vehicle is available in abbotsford. We do not pay ourselves from the donations.


Those Who Donate To This Project Help Share These Resources Around The World As A Gift.

Check out this network for distributing bibles, holding. Thousands more bibles are needed. We sort through everything, so if something is too damaged we will either have it repaired or respectfully retired.