How To Donate Platelets


How To Donate Platelets. The minimum age for whole blood or platelet donation at chla is 17 years old. To find a location to donate, you may search online, contact a hospital, or visit a local blood donation clinic.

In routine circumstances, the best days to donate platelets are friday, saturday, sunday and monday to meet hospital needs. To find a location to donate, you may search online, contact a hospital, or visit a local blood donation clinic. Is it safe to donate platelets?


Only One Of Your Arms Is Used To Withdraw Blood, Separate Out The Platelets, And Return The Rest Of The Blood To You.

Register your interest in becoming a platelet donor. Remember, you will be stuck in a chair for about 2 hours, so lay off those liquids in the hour or so immediately prior to your donation time. Platelets can be taken from a whole blood donation but when you make a platelet donation using automated technology you donate 6 to 10 times the amount of platelets than can be obtained from a whole blood donation.


Make The Switch From Donating Blood To Platelets.

Your other arm is free to turn pages in a book, click on a laptop keyboard, or scratch an itch during the 70 to 90 minute donation procedure. If you are, we'd love to have you become our next platelet (apheresis) donor. Platelets can only be donated at select american red cross donation centers and it requires an appointment.


There Are 3 Steps To Becoming A Platelet Donor:

The procedure to donate platelets is the same as donating blood up to the point of your donation. Platelet donations are carried out by professionally trained staff at one of our 22 platelet donation centres across england. In routine circumstances, the best days to donate platelets are friday, saturday, sunday and monday to meet hospital needs.


Where Can You Donate Platelets?

How often may i donate platelets? Completing the health history questionnaire and having your machine prepared for you will take about 30 minutes total. The phlebotomist will check the donation site on your arm, and prepare it for your donation.


Is Donating Platelets Better Than Whole Blood?

During abc, instead of giving one pint of whole blood (as in a regular donation), an abc donor gives only the components of blood needed for patients that day. Chla blood donor center considers donors less than 23 years of age to be young donors. How can i become a platelet donor?