Qualify To Donate Blood


Qualify To Donate Blood. By michele silva jan 11, 2022 | 7:40 am. To donate blood, you should be in good health, at least 17 years old, and not have an active blood infection.

Most people can give blood if they are in good health. Among the temporary conditions are: By michele silva jan 11, 2022 | 7:40 am.


Before Donate Blood, Their Health Must Be Assess To Make Sure They Can Donate Blood Safely.

You will be asked questions about your health and travel history before you donate blood. You should not be suffering from any blood clotting disorder, such as haemophilia. You should not be suffering, or had history of cancer.


Meet Our Height And Weight Requirements If You Are Between 17 And 23 Years Old.

Persons with the following conditions are not allowed to donate blood anyime: You must weigh at least 110 lbs to be eligible for blood donation for your own safety. At least 17 years old;


Most People Can Give Blood If They Are In Good Health.

From how blood donation works to who needs it, there's a lot to learn about donating blood. Most people can give blood. Every 112 days, up to 3 times/year*.


You Can Give Blood If You:

People can donate whole blood every 56. Donate blood & qualify for superbowl tickets. Among the temporary conditions are:


By Michele Silva Jan 11, 2022 | 7:40 Am.

You must be in good health and feeling well**. If you are in good health, and qualify for other eligibility guidelines, you can donate blood regardless of age. Anyone who is age 17 or older may be eligible to donate blood.