Read A Thon Donate


Read A Thon Donate. Click the link below and include the student’s name in the “add a note” section just before completing the donation process. Help your child log their minutes so their classroom can win prizes!

Help fund student activities and assemblies in addition to classroom support. Love how fast you guys are at responding to questions. Encourage a love of reading 2.


* This Is Very Important So Your Donation Counts Towards The Student’s Minutes.

Rat is a no brainer when it comes to fundraising. Click the link below and include the student’s name in the “add a note” section just before completing the donation process. With your help, we are sure we will not only encourage our children to read, but also help the school by raising money to purchase new library books!


Enter The Information Below And Then Pay With Credit Card Using The Paypal Website (No Paypal Account Required) Via The Link At The Bottom Of This Form.

Help fund student activities and assemblies in addition to classroom support. Students have the option of gathering sponsors to make pledges for their reading time or for a flat donation. This year’s goal is $30,000 for the benefit of our barnard pandas!


Click Here To Donate Now!

How do we get paid? Any amount raised with help and is greatly appreciated! A limited number of extra packets will be available in the office.


Love How Fast You Guys Are At Responding To Questions.

Some parents choose to share the. “there are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Processors charge around $.30 per transaction and up to 5% depending on the type of credit card.


The Deadline For Donation Is April 16, 2021.

Families, friends and the community are so willing to donate money to enrich literacy and education in our youth. Donations are 100% tax deductible. Online donations, especially small ones, can be costly.