Reasons Why You Should Donate Blood


Reasons Why You Should Donate Blood. Blood donation is a selfless act that you can offer to humanity. The risk of heart and liver related problem is caused by the iron overload in the body.

Free health checkup and pathology test. Every day, every hour, someone is in need of blood. 12 reasons why you should donate blood.


Reasons Why You Should Donate Your Blood.

Donating blood temporarily lowers the iron in your blood. On 12 days of christmas, your true love is giving you a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three french hens. 1) if you have type o blood.


Studies Show That Donating Blood Has Benefits For The Donors Emotional And Physical Health.

11 amazing reasons why you should donate blood. The benefits of the blood you donate to those who need it know no bounds. Haemochromatosis is a health condition that arises due to excess absorption of iron by the body.


While You're Reading This, A Local Patient Needs Blood.

Before giving blood, each donors must undergo medical checkup to ensure they are healthy enough to be a donor. Platelets only have a shelf life of five days. Reduce risk of heart attacks and liver ailment.


It Only Comes From Volunteers.

Every year, june 14 marks world blood donor day, which aims to raise awareness of the need for blood as well as for adequate infrastructure to facilitate blood collection and transfusion worldwide. Here are five reasons why you should donate blood. So, without the donations from the community of people are are able to donate, there is no blood in.


More Than 2,000 Blood Units Are Used For Transfusions Daily Throughout The Country, And Only We Can Produce This All.

Free health checkup and pathology test. Blood is always needed for treatment of accident victims, cancer patients, hemophiliacs and surgery patients. Thus, blood donation helps to kick away stress and its related risks like early aging and wrinkles.