What Blood Types Can Donate Platelets


What Blood Types Can Donate Platelets. Since platelets only last for five days, they are always needed by patients. Females interested in donating platelets will be screened for hla antibodies.

Therefore, the 8 blood types are the following: In this donation the specific component can be removed from the donor while returning the other components back to the donor during donation. We are looking for people with these blood types to switch to donating platelets:


A Positive, A Negative, B Positive, O Positive, Ab Positive And Ab Negative.

That’s why a negative platelets are called the ‘universal platelet type’. Does the presence of hla mean a woman can’t donate blood at all? There are three main components that can be obtained from blood:


Should I Donate Blood Or Plasma.

Donors must first become whole blood donors to be considered for apheresis donation. With the exception of those taking certain medications that interfere with platelet function [such as aspirin, feldene (piroxicam®), plavix (clopidogrel®), brilinta (ticagrelor®), effient (prasugrel®), ticlid (ticlopidine®) and zontivity (vorapaxar®)] most healthy adults who meet our whole blood requirements are also eligible to donate platelets. There are three kinds of donation:


To Find Out If You Are Eligible To Donate Platelets, Make An Appointment To Donate Whole Blood, And Ask Your.

Platelets from donors with these blood types are safe to give to almost everyone and are constantly needed by hospitals. Whether or not you should donate platelets really comes down to your blood type. Platelets, plasma and red blood cells.


The Procedure Uses A Smaller Needle, And Collects Enough Red Blood Cells To Be Transfused To Two Different Patients.

Components that are transfused to local patients like red cells, plasma, and platelets. Therefore, the 8 blood types are the following: If you are type ab you can make the most impact by donating plasma.


The Actual Donation Only Takes Around 15 Minutes.

Donor eligibility criteria are the same for both platelet and whole blood donors. If you're male and have donated plasma in the past 12 months, we'll speak to you about donating platelets. Platelets from ab positive donors can be used for any patient in need.