Why Can't Diabetics Donate Blood


Why Can't Diabetics Donate Blood. It’s up to you to let the red cross know. Epilepsy or seizures do not disqualify you from giving as long as you have had no seizures for one year.

Sadly they lump most diabetes patients into this category, as they refuse blood from anyone taking any form of insulin, whether via injections or pump therapy. Factors that may prevent a diabetic from donating blood sugar levels if your blood glucose level is within your target range (set by your medical provider) and you are in good health, you should be fine to. Yes, it’s generally safe for people with diabetes to give blood if their diabetes is well managed, and have no other health issues, such as heart disease, high blood pressure.


They Won't Do It Because Of Concern For The Wellbeing Of The Donor.

Under what circumstances will i not be able to donate blood. You can give out blood as far as your diabetes condition is properly regulated and managed. You also can't give blood during pregnancy or if you have diabetes complications.


Another Concern Regarding People With Diabetes Who Give Blood Is The Source Of Their Insulin.

This means anyone with type 1 diabetes cannot donate, but those with type 2 diabetes can as long as they do not require insulin for blood sugar management. Be it the insulin pump therapy you take or the regular insulin injections, you should not donate blood. People who depend on insulin are usually not allowed to donate blood, be it an insulin pump or insulin injections.


Ear Or Body Piercing And Tattooing.

The need for more new and regular donors is, therefore, an ongoing priority. The main reason behind not being able to donate blood is due to the scare of low blood sugar. The truth is that people with diabetes can donate blood, but some factors can defer you from donating.


If You Have Diabetes That Is Treated With Insulin You May Be Able To Donate.

And you can’t give blood if you’ve had heart failure or an organ transplant. Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you can't help your community by being a blood donor. Those who are diagnosed with diabetes believe they cannot donate blood.


It Doesn't Work This Way.

Myth 6 i can't give blood because i have epilepsy or seizures. Diabetics may give blood as long as the other medical requirements are met. If your diabetes is not well managed, and you have other health problems, you shouldn’t donate blood.