Why Should You Donate Organs


Why Should You Donate Organs. One person’s donation can save or improve as many as 50 lives. If you donate your organ or tissue, you save not only one person’s life but also many people’s lives.

Each deceased donor can save several lives if he donates his organs and tissue and they are used for. You can also heal many more lives through tissue donation. Transplantation is necessary because the recipient's organ has failed or has been damaged by disease or injury.


It Is Better To Start With A “No” To That Organ.

The most common religions that discourage organ donation include native americans, shintoists, confucians, roma gypsies, and some orthodox. People waiting for a kidney transplant make up more than 80 percent of people on the organ waiting list and people waiting for a liver transplant makeup approximately 12 percent. Should you wish to indicate to that person that you wish to donate, say, liver or kidneys or cornea to patients who need it (in the event that you die) then the person you have made your durable power of attorney for health care (who hopefully shares a similar set of bioethics as you) can make that decision for you.


Organs Are Carefully Recovered Without Any Outward, Visible Signs.

Herein, why should organ donation be encouraged after death? “we need to be generous and help one another,” says dr. Why you should consider organ donation now that you have the facts, you can see that being an organ donor can make a big difference, and not just to one person.


The Purpose Of Body Organ Donation Is To Help Someone In Need Of The Donated Organs.

Why you should talk to your loved ones about organ donation thousands of people receive transplanted organs from deceased donors each year in the uk. Becoming an organ donor is incredibly easy. One organ donor has the potential to save eight lives, save or improve as many as 60 lives and enhance the eyesight of two.


You Will Save Numerous Lives With Donating Organs.

Aisha tator, executive director of the new york alliance for donation, says changing those cultural perceptions is key to raising the rate of organ donation. You have the power to give a mother, father, grandparent, friend, and a child back to their loved ones for a second chance at life. Consider these reasons why you should be an organ donor.


You Can Save 8 Lives:

Most people are aware they can donate their organs when they die. These organs can go to eight different people (heart, intestines, pancreas, liver, two lungs, two kidneys). Each deceased donor can save several lives if he donates his organs and tissue and they are used for.