Why We Should Donate Blood


Why We Should Donate Blood. As men can donate more often, men who donate regularly play a big role in providing the almost 5,000 donations needed every day. According to data from the american red cross, in the united states alone, an estimated 6.8 million people choose to donate blood.

The need for blood is constant. Blood donors play a vital role in the healthcare of. Donating blood has benefits for your emotional and physical health.


Nearly 400 New Donors A Day To Meet Demand

Since blood cannot be manufactured outside the body and has a limited shelf life, the supply must constantly be replenished by generous blood donors. While you're reading this, a local patient needs blood. The most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an untimely death if the need is not fulfilled immediately.


Lauren (27, Gordon Park) Donated For The First Time This May.

“it’s something i had thought about doing for years. Blood is essential to help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Blood is a precious resource in healthcare the world over.


(2 Hours Before) Person Who Has Consumed Alchocol Should Avoid Giving Blood For Next 24 Hours.

20 reasons why you should donate blood every year, june 14 marks world blood donor day, which aims to raise awareness of the need for blood as well as for adequate infrastructure to facilitate. Why should i give blood? Blood is always needed for treatment of accident victims, cancer patients, hemophiliacs and surgery patients.


If You Are Able, Please Take The Time To Donate.

Beyond extraordinary transfusions, blood can be used regularly and recurrently treat sickle cell disease or to produce clotting factors for patien By donating blood, the iron stores in the body are maintained at healthy levels. Blood donors play a vital role in the healthcare of.


This Lifesaving Care Starts With One Person Making A Generous Donation.

By donating blood, we ensure that we save many lives that are a stake in california and across the other states. Next is what people loves the most which is losing weight. From emergency surgeries to cancer treatments, transfusions following injuries or pregnancy complications, the healthcare system runs on blood donations.